“Replenishing” best describes the philosophy of my work. Each human being is born plentiful — full of energy, spirit and hope. By the time of adulthood (or for many, much sooner than that), much of that bountiful energy or spirit has been depleted not only by the “slings and arrows of outrageous fortune,” but by the many hurts and disappointments of even the most normal human condition. Thus the need for restoration, rejuvenation — “Replenishing.”
My work aims higher than mere survival; the goal is to help people recover some of the energy, hope and sense of potential they once felt as children. I facilitate self understanding and awareness and help clients translate the insights they have gained into concrete change.
The focus is on breaking long-held destructive patterns and replacing them with new, healthier ways of meeting needs. Issues commonly worked on are self-esteem, relationships, body image, stress, anxiety, compulsive caretaking, perfectionism, work satisfaction as well as grief and loss.